One Funnel Away Challenge Review: It is Worth It And How I Turned $100 Into $7500 Dollar In 8 Days

sam choudhari
8 min readDec 11, 2020


One Funnel Away Challenge

Do you want to grow your business online without wasting more time on learning and researching marketing strategies?

If your answer is YES, then this One Funnel Away Challenge Review is definitely for you and your business to take it to the next level.

If you’re doing any type of online business like selling products, services, courses, e-books, or affiliate products, you should have a proper sales funnel, which will be turning visitors into the audience and finally audience to sales or conversion.

To create a powerful funnel, you need the right strategies and plan to execute them, to increase your sales, leads, or conversions, which turn into more revenue.

That’s where the “One Funnel Away Challenge” comes into the picture.

This OFA challenge helps you to start creating a sales funnel.

I bought this course and took training and challenges daily for 30-days, trust me guys, it totally changed my point of view towards my business marketing strategies.

So, in this one funnel away challenge review, I will share my experience, what included in this challenge, and the most crucial result I got in 8 days.

So, let’s get started.

In this One Funnel Away Challenge review we’re going to cover:

  1. What Is One Funnel Away Challenge?
  2. What exactly are you going to be learning in 30 days?
  3. Why You Should Take One Funnel Away Challenge?
  4. What’s Else Do You Get With the One Funnel Away Challenge?
  5. Everything else you need to know about the One Funnel Away Challenge
  6. Conclusion.

If you’re already ready to buy, skip to the end of this review and grab my amazing $4384 High-Quality Premium Bonus.

One Funnel Away Challenge Bonus Package

How One Funnel Away Challenge Increased My Earning

Before taking one funnel away challenge, I was promoting affiliate products online with some shorts method which never works in today’s arena. Internet users now very smarter and looking for an exact product that solves their problems.

That’s why we need one funnel which encourages users to buy the product.

Honestly, Before this OFA challenge, I didn’t know what exactly funnel is and how it drastically increase sales. So, after reading the OFA landing page, I was searching on youtube and googled about sales funnel and learned the basics of funnel theoretically. Then I got to know that funnel work well, so; I decided to take this challenge to learn and implement funnel from industry experts.

And Result In front of your eyes

One funnel away challenge does not only teach you funnels and how to build them, but they also share some insights of top marketers in it.

Now, let’s see more about the OFA challenge.

What Is One Funnel Away Challenge?

The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30-day training that guides you step by step on launching your first (or next) funnel. The course is provided by your three coaches. Russell Brunson, Julie Stoian, and Stephen Larsen.

Russell of course, is the co-founder of ClickFunnels and his videos in the challenge are all about teaching you the strategy and the “why” behind that day’s mission.

Julie Stoian, a 7 figure entrepreneur herself, is the 2nd coach. Her videos show the “how” part of the training. So she goes step-by-step in her videos to guide you on how to actually implement what Russell talks about in the previous lesson.

And finally, the 3rd coach is Stephen Larsen. He conducts the live group calls and is basically your accountability coach. If you are familiar with Stephen at all from his podcast, you’ll know that he’s always full of energy and makes things fun.

There are 5 weeks worth of lessons in the challenge.

The first week is the pre-training which will get you in the proper mindset for the rest of the one funnel away challenge.

Then over the next 4 weeks, you will get daily lessons with links in your inbox for 30 days. Every training builds upon each other so it’s very important that you go through them in order. And, there’s even homework to do to make sure you are applying what you learn in the 30-day challenge.

What exactly are you going to be learning in 30 days?

Here’s a map of the entire challenge:

Pre-training: The first week will help you shatter all your negative beliefs, limiting mindsets, and help you become more receptive to their training. In short, week #1 will help you a lot to synthesize their future training better.

Week #1: You’ll learn about the concepts of testing, offer sequencing, stories (The Epiphany Bridge), etc.

Week #2: This is all about implementing the hooks, origin stories, epiphany bridge, etc. Crafting an epiphany bridge story is very important to create that “aha” moment in the minds of your audience about the new opportunity.

Week #3: In here you’ll be learning about funnels and implementing them. There’ll be a live walk down through the ClickFunnels and also an explanation of members areas, OTOs, sales pages, sequence pages, etc.

Week #4: You’ll be learning about various traffic generation mechanisms, dream 100, hooks (for traffic generation), etc. In dream 100, you’ll be learning how to leverage the power of partnerships to drive viral traffic and leads to your offer.

Week #5: Here you will be asked to take action on the learnings. This is where you may feel the need of getting ClickFunnels. You are also offered to apply for Funnel Hackathon to expedite your funnel building process.

You’ll be notified on a daily basis, as the new sessions will get unlocked.

The One Funnel Away Challenge is hosted inside the FunnelHacker Community. This is the total road map of the 30-day challenge.

Why You Should Take One Funnel Away Challenge

The one funnel away challenge generally best for every online business who just started, or they don’t know how to sell a product with a funnel.

It will help you to create your first or next funnel for your business.

Here is some question you can ask yourself

Q-1: Do you want to grow your business online and increase revenue but don’t know how to do that?

Q-2: Do you have a well-established online business that getting good online traffic but the conversion rate is very low?

Q-3: You know what is a funnel, but confused about how to build a funnel?

Q-4: You know how to build a funnel but want to make sure how to make a successful funnel?

If your answer is yes then you can

join the One Funnel Away Challenge

What’s Else Do You Get With the One Funnel Away Challenge?

One of the things that Russell teaches, and what you’ll learn in the challenge is to create bonus stacks for any offers. And the One Funnel Away Challenge is no different.

Besides the training itself, you’re going to get a physical package sent to your house in the form of your OFA Challenge Kit. It was a major rush when I got it via the post office!

Here is what you’ll find inside the kit:

“30 Days” 550 Page Hardcover Book

This book has strategies of successful 30 Two Comma Club members who have generated over $1 Million+ online. This book Really Amazing and i am learn everything that needs in online business.

One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook

The one funnel away challenge workbook contains 30-days tasks to complete your training each day according to the order of tasks. You will also get some link to a video to achieve a mission. This workbook is most important to finish the task and build your successful funnel in 30-day training.

Each page of the workbook have the following data :

  • Task checklist
  • Blank space for brainstorming your ideas
  • Task-related video links
  • Extra resource links

MP3 Player With The Live Recordings

Inside this MP3 player are all the audio recordings of both Russell’s Brunson daily training and recordings of Stephen’s Live coaching calls that he did during the first challenge. What’s nice is it gives you the ability to go through the challenge lessons when you’re at the gym or commuting to work anywhere.

Everything else you need to know about the One Funnel Away Challenge

How much does the One Funnel Away Challenge cost?

It will cost you $100 to get the One Funnel Away Challenge. If you want the OFA Challenge Kit, you will have to pay shipping which is $19.95 if you live in the US and $29.95 outside the US.

Is there any guarantee?

Yes, if you send back your challenge kit within 30 days of it arriving, then you will get refunded $100. But since it costs so much to ship, it’s probably not worth it to do this.


I experience many courses, yet the One Funnel Away Challenge was the best preparation I experienced a year ago. I had so many ‘moments of realization’ that I was then ready to apply promptly to my own online business.

That is the thing that made the test so energizing for me.

Simply ensure you can shut out the time needed to experience the preparation. I know it’s hard once in a while in light of the fact that life disrupts the general flow.

However, it’s absolutely justified, despite any trouble.

Feel free to save your spot now.

Join the one funnel Away challenge and also get my $4384 Bonus free to succeed in your online business.

Affiliate Disclaimer: I hope you enjoyed this One Funnel Away Challenge review. Please note that any links inside this article may be affiliate links to the OFA challenge. That means that if you click on one of the links and sign up, I may be compensated for it. If you do happen to click, thanks!



sam choudhari

I am a 6 figure affiliate marketer , pro blooger and i am in this business over 6 years